Tuesday, September 9, 2008

take a mental picture

we parked in front of a restroom sign and megan asked if the sign was pointing to the restrooms. nina said, no it was just a sign of a man and woman. we just stared blankly at her for five minutes until she said, hey guys they can't all be good.

i was telling nina what an esturary was and she said she'll remember how to say it by combining estrogen and february. i told her that would work.

laura was hesistant about letting nina use her camera the whole trip. nina stated she wished she could take a picture. laura told her to take a mental picture.

theres an ex-drug addict at work who eats about ten pounds of suger a day and won't stop talking even when i give him not so subtle hints. he ate my entire jar of jelly bellys within a week, so i hid them. now he just walked in and accused me of stealing his cookies.

nina was excited about camping but most of all about her dodger dogs. she really stressed this point throughout our phone conversations. she didnt think i got the importance of the dodger dogs. so she told me they are the ones they sell " at like the dodger games".

laura kept on telling us random facts about things during our trip. nina said she doesnt believe any of what laura was saying. i guess she thought she'd try out some random facts. she started off by saying something about africa and oranges, we knew she was lying.

i was watching dr. phil with my mom because i was immobile and elevating my swollen foot. my mom asked me what i would do to counsel the dysfunctional relationship. i told her my foot hurt.

-i was in the car with nina as nick lachey was playing on her mix cd. i kept asking for her to change the song and it was still nick lachey. I told her at least we don't have to hear Jessica's side of the story. the next song was Jessica Simpson. I changed the cd.

-Laura called me the other day and left a message saying she was alive and breathing.

-laura picked me up from my bus stop and took me to my car. my foot was swollen and i was having a hard time getting out espcially since she was yellling at me to get out of her car. when i confronted her about this later at home she says i missed the part after she said "get out" when she said called me 'sexy'.

-i was asked to call local home depots at work and find a drill and a 4 1/2 inch bit. the guy said i couldn't rent it unless i knew what i was going to do with it. he asked if i was drilling concrete to make room for pipes. i told him ya that.

-i was pulling out of the driveway really slowly to bother my mom. she looked at me meanly. i told her i wanted to spend quality time with her.

-i kept driving slowly and the mean looks persisted. i fessed up i told told her gas was expensive.

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